Terms and Conditions



For the purposes of the Regulation, it is assumed that following definitions will have specified meanings:

The Website – the Internet website available for Users at the following URL address http://www.free3dbase.com, the owner and administrator of which is the Owner. The website consists of multimedia 3D models library, accessible for free for architects and computer graphic designers; its aim is to make available, present, promote, advertise, and compare products of the Producer with other types of Products published on the Website.

The Services – services provided by the Website via Internet, making it possible for Users to familiarize with descriptions and data of presented products, offered by companies cooperating with the Website (The Contractors). The Website provides following services:

  • a) Informational services – making a particular content available on the request of the User by presenting him a webpage with a specified URL address, including providing information about products offered by Producers.
  • b) Browsing services – making it possible for the users to make advantage of IT mechanisms remotely, helping them to browse and view data published on the Website (searching the Website for information concerning 3D models and their Producers).
  • c) Advertising services – emission of advertisement-related content on the Website at the request of Contractors.

The user – a natural person, a law person or an organizational entity without law capacities, accepting the content of the Regulations, and having the right to browse descriptions of published 3D models, as well as other information presented on the website, according to purposes they serve.

The Contractor – an entity cooperating with the Owner; a special kind of the User, who has the right to publish his own products, logos etc., according to principles specified by the Owner, despite of usual rights of the User provided in the Regulations.

The account - a profile of the User maintained by the Website, consisting of personal and contacting data and information about actions of the User within the Website; a separated part of the Website, available after providing the e-mail address and password.

The Registration – the process of creating the account.

The Regulations – the present document, created by the Owner, available generally and freely on the Website, at the following URL address: www.free3dbase.com, specifying principles of the usage of the Website; its aim is to provide clear, lawful, and ordered usage of the Website.


The Website makes it possible for Users to:

  • a) Obtain basic information concerning presented products, such as the name, measurements, and the catalogue number;
  • b) Downloading 3D models on the desktop in the format adjusted to various programs available for architects and computer graphic designers;
  • c) Access the Contractors websites, cooperating with the Website.

The website does not maintain of cooperate in selling, but just only presents products offered by the Contractors. The user agrees that the content of the website is only informational and visual, and is not a form of the offer of the Owner.

The Website holds rights to:

  • a) Making unilateral decisions concerning the content of the Website, as well as any changes and modifications, without prior informing users about their execution and range;
  • b) Modify presented models, in order to improve their quality, without interference into such important features as measurements, form and project.

The user agrees to follow law restrictions, proper ethical and moral norms, and rules of the Regulations while using the Website.

It is unacceptable for the User to perform actions making it impossible, inconvenient, or destabilizing to use the Website.

The owner informs that he publishes materials protected by the copyrights on the Website, including documents, trademarks and other items (such as texts, graphics, models, sounds, audio and video materials). They are the separate protected items in accordance to the law on copyrights and similar restrictions, dated on 4th February (The Journal of Laws 2006, no. 90, position 631).

The owner, according to the content of the section II of the paragraph 6, notes that Users must obey to the intellectual property rights.

There are contents on the website, copyrights for which are entitled to the Owner, and contents, copyrights for which are entitled to other entities, which are explained further in attached notes.

Users are allowed to use published content for their own use only. Any usage of items protected by copyrights, such as copying, sending, reproduction, modification, public sharing, and other forms are allowed only after obtaining the Owner’s confirmation and/or confirmation of other entities. The 3D models and visualizations of them presented on thumbnails can be used for commercial purposes only as a part of an artistic work or a project.

The User can use the Website via devices making it possible to connect the Internet by a proper Internet browser.


The registration process can be only performer by:

  • a) Natural persons, who are over 18 and have full legal capacity,
  • b) Legal persons,
  • c) Organizational entities, which are not legal persons, but have the legal capacity granted by the law.

Natural persons, not operating any commercial activity, should fill in the registration form in order to register. The form includes: name and surname, contacting address (including the name of the province), e-mail address and password.

The registration of natural person, using the website in relations to operated commercial activity, as well as of law persons and organizational entities mentioned in the section III, paragraph 1 c), and any further steps connected with the usage of the Website, are performed by a designated entity, which is obliged to perform any operations related with the Registration and exercising all rights and obligations of the user. In order to register, the designated individual (representative, plenipotentiary) must fill in the registration form and provide following data: name and surname, e-mail address, the company of the registered entity, the address of the headquarters (including the name of the province), the PIN number, the REGON number, the e-mail address, and password.

The user is obliged to provide accurate data while filling in the registration form. The owner holds right to verify the data provided in the registration form (including entities specified in the section III, paragraph 3). In the case, when provided information are invalid, the Owner holds right to block the Account or delete the Account.


After proper filling in of the registration form, the e-mail message will be sent on a provided address, including the ling making it possible to activate the Account. It is the moment of the contract conclusion, and the subjects of the contract are services provided by the Website.

The Account includes User’s data provided during the registration. In the case of changing any information, the user should update them using the appropriate form available on the Website. The User can provide updated information in the Account settings section.

The User cannot change the e-mail address provided during registration. Each account must have its individual password.

The User can have more than one account after obtaining the Owner’s confirmation only. Multiple accounts cannot be used to perform activities violating restrictions of the Regulations.

It is forbidden to make User’s password accessible for third parties.

Accounts are inalienable, providing that the Accounts maintained by entities specified in the section III, paragraph 3, can be transferred to another company or its affiliates.

The Owner holds right to block the Account temporally after specifying that his security can be threatened. The Website holds the further right of interference into the User’s Account, in order to remove any irregularities in its functioning, any technical faults, and other problems connected with the Account. Further usage of the Account by the User can be connected with changing the authorization password. After changing the password, the User will be allowed to use the Account again.

In the case of violation of the restriction of the Regulations by the User, the Account will be blocked or deleted.

The User, the Account of whom was blocked cannot register again or use the Account under an altered name. The Owner holds right to decline the User to register again and to use the Account in the case, when any of other User’s Accounts was blocked in the past.


The Owner will try his best to present information and products according to their factual state. The Owner will make every possible effort to present information in the updated and complete form, but he cannot guarantee it entirely. In the case of any doubts, the user should contact the Contractor directly, in order to be provided with information concerning a particular product.

The Owner indicates that there can be some alternations (colors, positions etc.) in the presentation of products connected with settings of the User’s personal computer.

The Owner holds no liability for any causes of using information obtained from the Website by the User. The Owner holds no liability for both direct and indirect damages caused to Users, Contractors and third parties, as well as missed opportunities connected with the operation of the Website, unless such damages were caused by any intentional actions of the Owner.

The User will not send any requests, demands, or reservations to the Owner, concerning the quality, as well as both physical or law faults of products presented on the Website. The Website does not hold any responsibility for the content and quality of the 3D models.

Concerning the form of functioning of the Website, the Contractor holds the entire liability for the compatibility of presented products with their factual and law condition, as well as for their quality, type, value of the presentation of 3d models. The Contractor is also liable for his contents not to violate any law principles, ethical and moral norms, and restrictions of the given Regulations.

The Owner will perform any possible activities in order to eliminate contents published by the Contractors, which are illegal or violate the restrictions of the Regulations.

The administration of the Website will try its best to make the Website work properly and constantly, and will make any possible efforts to limit any negative consequences of existing technical problems, but it cannot guarantee that the Website will work without any crashes or latencies in working, caused by used software or hardware.

The Owner holds right to make temporal breaks in the access to the Website in order to perform any maintenance works and updates, as well as to exchange, extend and configuration of the software and hardware for the Website. Therefore, the Owner does not hold liability for any possible breaks in the availability of the Website, resulting from changes in the configuration or exchange of the software and hardware.

The Owner does not hold any liability for the functioning of the Website, resulting from interferences in the functioning of the Website, resulting from any interferences caused by the Internet connections and other, irrespective breaks in the functioning of the Website, which can influence the presentation and the quality of presented items. The Owner does not hold responsibility for any damages for the User, in the case of interferences and breaks in the functioning of the Website, resulting from any events occurring irrespective of the Owner, who cannot foresee and prevent such actions, such as force majeure and breakdowns.


The administrator of the data, in accordance to the act dated on the 29th August 1997, on data protection (that is The Journal of Laws 2002, no. 101, position 926 with amendments) is the Owner. Personal data of Users are processed by the Owner in order to provide them with services, for archiving purposes, and for marketing purposes concerning services and products of the Owner and cooperating entities, according to the law dated on 29th August 1997 on data protection (The Journal of Laws 2002, No.101, position 926 with amendments) and the law dated on 18th July 2002 on providing electronic services (Journal of Laws 2000, No. 144, position 1204, with amendments)

The basis for personal data processing is the confirmation of Users themselves, as well as law authorization for necessary data processing in order to realize services of the Website.

Providing any personal data is voluntary. Using some services provided by the Website will be however possible after providing particular personal data beforehand.

Personal data are protected according to the act dated on 29th August 1997 on data protection (that is The Journal of Laws 2002, no. 101, position 926 with amendments) in a manner making it impossible for third parties to access them.

The user using the Website will not receive any marketing or commercial information, if he declines the Website to provide him with such advertising items.

Personal data of Users can be accessible for other entities authorized to obtain them by the virtue of actual law rules, including appropriate judicial authorities in the case of any proceedings executed by such organs.

The Owner grants realization of authorizations resulting from the mentioned act for the Users, that is – he grants the Users with access to their own data, making it possible to have an insight into their information, as well as to extend, update, alternate such data, request temporal or permanent cease of their processing or to delete them it they are incomplete, not updated, false or were gathered by violating the law or are not necessary to realize the aim which they were gathered for. The User holds right to demand ceasing of the data processing in writing.

Personal data gathered by the Website are stored and protected according to the restrictions of the act dated on 29th August 1997 on data protection (that is The Journal of Laws 2002, no. 101, position 926 with amendments) and any executive documents issued on the basis of that act. The privacy, protection against any unauthorized access and other possibilities of losing or damaging confidential information are protected by technical and organizational means.

The Owner publishes external links on his Website, making it possible to visit other websites directly. However, the Owner does not hold responsibility for privacy policies executed by such websites.


The Website can be used after familiarizing with the Regulations, accepting the entire content of them and after agreeing to act in accordance to principles contained there.

In the case of services provided by entities cooperating with the Owner after redirecting (entering) websites of the Contractors, regulations published by the Contractors are applicable.

In the case of any claims concerning the operation of the Website and any spotted irregularities, the User can notify the Owner about them by sending the e-mail at: info@free3dbase.com .

The Owner holds right to change Regulations in any suitable moment, by publishing its updated version on the Website.

Information concerning changing restrictions of the Regulations and the date of last amendment will be provided at the beginning of updated Regulations.

The change of the Regulations comes into force, while indicated by the Owner. The term cannot be shorter than 14 days form publishing the amended Regulations.

Using the Website after making amendments by the Users is equal to accepting its provisions.

In any cases not settled by the Regulations, the Civil Code provisions and appropriate acts are applicable, including those indicated in the Regulations.

If any provision of the Regulations will be indicated as invalid by the Court ruling, other provisions remain into force.

The Regulations are applicable from 01.07. 2012

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